#WCW with Carolina L.

Hurray! It’s another wonderful Wednesday where we get to share our latest #WCW Woman Crush Wednesday feature! We have loved letting you get to know a bit more about our fabulous team of City Leaders, from all across the country & around the world! Today’s #WCW is coming to you all of the way from Ottawa in Canada! In case you weren’t aware, we do have a few chapters in Canada, the UK, and we continue to grow!

With that said, we are so excited to introduce you to Carolina! She joined the team as the Ottawa City Leader right before the world went into lockdown and we were all told to stay at home. What’s amazing to us is the attitude that Carolina has head since she joined the team! Despite what some may call ‘poor timing’, she has remained passionate, optimistic, and committed to building a community among the women living in Ottawa as the Gals That Brunch City Leader! She has immersed herself in the community we have for City Leaders and, just like the rest of us, is excited to hit the ground running when life returns to “normal”. We can’t wait to learn more about Carolina!


Which GTB Chapter do you lead?


How long have you been a City Leader?

Two months

What's your favorite thing about being a City Leader?

Having the opportunity to allow other women to meet like minded women, offering an opportunity to build community and feel more at home in the city they're in.

Tell us about your favorite brunch event you've hosted or attended?

I had a farewell brunch with some of my closest friends in Sydney to bid farewell to some of them that were traveling back to their countries. I've always connected brunch to meaningful events and moments.

What do you do for a living?

Policy Analyst for the Canadian Government

When you're not working, what are you typically doing?

I'm working on building the GTB Ottawa chapter, working on apprenticeships with female founders, listening to my GGE (fave podcast), or going on long hikes!

What's your personal mantra?

Treat others the way you'd like to be treated.

In the movie about your life, who would play you? Why?

Sofia Vergara, because she's a loud, eccentric, honest and bubbly Colombiana!

When you brunch, do you usually go with something…


What's your go-to brunch beverage?

Margarita (don’t judge!)

What's your favorite brunch spot in your city?

Chesterfield's Gastro Diner

What's your favorite brunch entree?

Fruit Salad

When choosing your brunch outfit, which do you typically opt for?

Brunch Best!

What's your all-time favorite movie(s)?

The Hangover

What TV show(s) are you currently loving?

Money Heist

What's the name of the last book you read? Would you recommend it?

Unf*uck Yourself. I would HIGHLY recommend it, it's eye opening!

Anything else you want to share about yourself?

I've had the chance to move to different places, uproot my life multiple times in places I've never been to before, far from my comfort zone. These experiences have allowed me to value the importance of community and having people to share this life we've been given. As we grow older and make life changes, making community can get harder and more challenging. I'm hoping I can make a difference and open up a new, fun way for women to meet and build meaningful community.

How can we best connect with you?
